We are the writers of our own story. Choose to create the life you want to live.

Remember that what we tell ourselves becomes our truth and our reality. We determine our own success. We dictate our worth and we choose how to value ourselves. Know that where you are today, in this moment, whether high or low, is exactly where you’re meant to be. You’re on the right path and you’ve already accomplished success. You’re infinitely capable and you’re worthy of all the divine and positive things coming your way. Open yourself up to receiving them.

Monday, the loveliest day of the week is an opportunity to start fresh and a perfect time to start practicing using mantras. Fall in love with Mondays and fall in love with yourself by telling yourself positive and uplifting statements. Move through your Monday reminding yourself of your ultimate awesomeness. Look in the mirror as you tell yourself, “I am capable. I am worthy. I am successful”. Write it down, repeat it in your mind, say it out loud, tell other people, and scream it from the rooftops because it’s true; so very true.

When we recognize our potential, we align ourselves with our deepest desires and begin attracting those very things into our life. Don’t let a day go by without taking time to tell yourself how absolutely wonderful you are. You are capable. You are worthy. You are successful.

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