12 Steps to Conquering Your Fears of Leading a Guided Meditation Session


I lead guided meditation for my first time at a local event for Boss Babes last month.

I’ll be honest, I was incredibly nervous and wasn’t sure what to expect. I researched guided meditation and planned and practiced beforehand. I lead three 30 minute meditations and guess what? I’m still here to tell the story. I overcame my shaky nerves and fears and successfully lead group meditations for the first time.

Sharing special energy and space with a group of like-minded people is an uplifting and transformational experience. For those of you that have the interest in leading your own guided meditation, I say yes! Here’s how to get over your fears and move forth.

Keep Calm & Meditate On: 12 Steps to Conquering Your Fears of Leading a Guided Meditation Session

1. Do your research prior to a guided meditation.

Study what has worked for others and find what method works best for you.

2. Write down what you plan to say and read through it a few times.

3. Always remember to practice beforehand.

It will help get rid of some of the nerves and will build confident and poise in your voice.

4. Be fearless.

Speak with conviction and pride.

5. Make sure your students are comfortable and feel safe.

Explain what guided meditation is and how it’s used. Tell them what they can expect so they can begin without worry.

6. Introduce yourself and have your students meet the others around them.

It’s always nice to begin the session with an ice-breaker. You’re sharing a sacred experience with these individuals.

7. Foster your own meditation practice.

It’s hard to lead others with no personal experience. Here are dvarious forms of meditation to practice.

8. A wise woman once told me, “Stop being nervous, just close your eyes, and let the calm come forth.”

Go with the flow.

9. Speak clearly and slowly.

Let your words resonate with your audience.

Practice speaking in a calm and soothing voice.

10. Don’t forget to breathe. It’s all good!

11. Closing the meditation with a few moments of silence and then open the room up for a few questions or the sharing of thoughts/experiences.

12. Create a judge free space and this includes putting judgment on yourself.

Let your energy flow and remember you’re serving others. Your purpose is to help people relax and move within themselves. Be the light that guides their way.

It takes courage to try new things. If you are inspired to share your love for meditation, lead a guided meditation in your local community. Remember, take things one step at a time and practice!

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